Con la intención de compartir mis pensamientos con mis amigos hispánicos y
para practicar mi español, estoy proveyendo una traducción bajo de cada post
inglés. Para los hispanohablantes, si encuentren algún error, favor avísame :)
In an effort to share my thoughts with my Hispanic friends and exercise my Spanish muscle, I'm providing a translation of each of my posts below the English. For Spanish-speakers, if you catch any errors, please let me know :)
Enjoying and embracing the small things is not a new concept. But it takes on new wonder in a culture that has strayed from the beauty of that simplicity in so many ways.
A big part of my learning experience at Koinonia is related to food – growing/preparing/preserving wholesome foods, foraging wild edibles and medicinal herbs.
I composed a document outlining much of what I learned in those areas, and I can't yet figure out how to attach here it for your perusal, so until then let me know if you'd like a copy :)
It has been really empowering to discover natural ways of coping with common ailments, to make my own healthy meals and snacks from scratch, to wash my laundry using soap nuts from a tree, to recycle old scrap paper into new paper, to learn how to milk a cow by hand, to make use of natural energy a lot of ways learning how to be a conscientious consumer who is not dependent upon stores, industries, and conventional methods of doing things.
I learned at Koinonia to get my hands literally dirty. Fredo used to tease me for wearing gardening gloves because I didn't like the feeling of dirt under my nails. Now that dirt under my nails gives me a similar satisfaction to getting paint smeared on my fingers and arms. That “dirt” is actually living soil. We ourselves were formed from humus, inspired by the breath of our Creator.
I've grown in self-confidence both through the independence and interdependence of my experiences the past few years. Being transplanted into new contexts to share life in intentional ways with a variety of people is helping me to recognize and break down walls of judgment in my heart and habits of thinking, to expand my mental and emotional boundaries, to build communication skills and to own my convictions. Vulnerability encourages the development of trust. Practicing conflict resolution builds courage. Genuine encounters with people who are different from me cultivates depth and richness in my life and helps me to become a more authentic person.
In case you missed it, here's the link to my last newsletter from Koinonia.
The journey continues... I've just completed my first beautiful week at JubileePartners.
Koinonia mirando
atrás: Caminando hacia la simplicidadIn an effort to share my thoughts with my Hispanic friends and exercise my Spanish muscle, I'm providing a translation of each of my posts below the English. For Spanish-speakers, if you catch any errors, please let me know :)
Enjoying and embracing the small things is not a new concept. But it takes on new wonder in a culture that has strayed from the beauty of that simplicity in so many ways.
A big part of my learning experience at Koinonia is related to food – growing/preparing/preserving wholesome foods, foraging wild edibles and medicinal herbs.
I composed a document outlining much of what I learned in those areas, and I can't yet figure out how to attach here it for your perusal, so until then let me know if you'd like a copy :)
It has been really empowering to discover natural ways of coping with common ailments, to make my own healthy meals and snacks from scratch, to wash my laundry using soap nuts from a tree, to recycle old scrap paper into new paper, to learn how to milk a cow by hand, to make use of natural energy a lot of ways learning how to be a conscientious consumer who is not dependent upon stores, industries, and conventional methods of doing things.
I learned at Koinonia to get my hands literally dirty. Fredo used to tease me for wearing gardening gloves because I didn't like the feeling of dirt under my nails. Now that dirt under my nails gives me a similar satisfaction to getting paint smeared on my fingers and arms. That “dirt” is actually living soil. We ourselves were formed from humus, inspired by the breath of our Creator.
I've grown in self-confidence both through the independence and interdependence of my experiences the past few years. Being transplanted into new contexts to share life in intentional ways with a variety of people is helping me to recognize and break down walls of judgment in my heart and habits of thinking, to expand my mental and emotional boundaries, to build communication skills and to own my convictions. Vulnerability encourages the development of trust. Practicing conflict resolution builds courage. Genuine encounters with people who are different from me cultivates depth and richness in my life and helps me to become a more authentic person.
In case you missed it, here's the link to my last newsletter from Koinonia.
The journey continues... I've just completed my first beautiful week at JubileePartners.
Disfrutando y recibiendo bien las cositas en la vida no es un concepto nuevo. Pero le da a uno nuevo asombro en una cultura que en muchas maneras se ha alejado de la belleza de esa simplicidad.
Una gran parte de mi experiencia en Koinonia está relacionada a la comida - cultivar/preparar/preserver comida sana, buscando hierbas silvestres y medicinales.
He compuesto un documento que describe mucho de lo que he aprendido en esas areas, lo cual espero que puedo adjuntar en el futuro. Hasta entonces, si lo quieres, avísame.
Me ha dado mucha fuerza descubrir maneras naturales de tratar enfermedades comunes, hacer mis propias comidas y meriendas saludables de materias primas, lavar mi ropa usando la fruta de un árbol, reciclar papeles usados en papel nuevo, aprender cómo ordeñar una vaca por mano, utilizar recursos naturales de energia...en muchas maneras aprendiendo cómo ser una consumidora consciente que no depende en las tiendas, industrias, ni métodos convencionales de hacer cosas.
Aprendí en Koinonia cómo ensuciar mis manos literalmente. Fredo solía burlar de mí por llevar guantes en el jardín porque no me gustaba el sentimiento de tierra bajo de mis uñas. Ahora esa tierra bajo mis uñas me da una satisfacción que es similar a ensuciar mis dedos y brazos con pinta. Esa “tierra” en realidad está viva. Nosotros mismos fuimos formados de humus, inspirados por el aliento de nuestro Creador.
He crecido en confianza igualmente por la independencia y por la interdependencia de mis experiencias durante los tres años pasados. Seando transplantada a contextos nuevos para compartir la vida en maneras intencionales con una variedad de personas me está ayudando a reconocer y derribar murallas del juicio en mi corazón y en los hábitos de pensar, a ampliar mis fronteras mentales y emocionales, a construir las habilidades de comunicación y llegar a ser dueña de mis convicciones. La vulnerabilidad estimula el desarrollo de la confianza. Practicar la resolución de conflictos construye el coraje. Los encuentros auténticos con personas que son diferentes de mí cultiva la profundidad y la riqueza en mi vida, y me ayuda a llegar a ser una persona más auténtica.
Por si acaso no lo han visto, aquí está el vínculo de my ultimo boletín de Koinonia.
El paso continua... Acabo de completar mi primera semana linda con JubileePartners.