Hey everyone! It's Christmas break and time to catch up on some overdue reflections...
I came in with positive expectations
for Mission Year, but I couldn't have imagined that life would look
this beautiful four months down the road. I couldn't have imagined
that I would miss so much the people who were strangers just a few months
ago. I would go so far as to say that these have been some of the
most life-giving months of my life. I feel alive here. I'm learning
what it means to live life fully. A slow and incomplete transition is
taking place in my heart by simply being present.
Children have given so much color to our lives in Houston!
A couple "big picture" things I'm learning:

Seek the good in others and
affirm it. Even within a Christian community, we each bring our unique backgrounds and perspectives to the table. But rather than getting bogged down by differences, we can build
each other up according to our needs and hold onto common ground. We can look for and find the image of God in everyone, especially those who are not like us.We can listen to one another without trying to fix each other.
Recent happenings...
Recording! We finally recorded a song together! And by candlelight, nonetheless. It was awesome. you can listen to it here: http://www.noisetrade.com/baumanroad
Bikes! Jessi and I did our final week at the bike shop. Through the Earn-a-Bike program, we brought home our own bikes for free!
Art from Trash! One Saturday we picked up tires from the neighborhood ditches and painted them with the kids. We're going to plant things in them when we get back!
Dancing! We had a dance night for Scarlet's birthday! She taught us the Charleston, Salsa, and Israeli folk dance, among other things.
Looking ahead....
Gardening: We're going to start growing things!!
Doing it the old-fashioned way: I'm learning how to make my own detergent and hope to hand-wash and line-dry my laundry in an effort to save energy and money.
Murals: There are some beautiful walls waiting to be painted :)
Teaching art class: Go figure.
I am thankful for the chance to catch up with people who have been supporting me throughout this journey, and the chance to step back and take an objective look at what has taken place. I am STOKED for what's ahead and the ways we're learning to live and grow. More reflections to come....